Word search
Search all occurrences of a word.
The engine doesn't index the common used words in order to decrease index
size and to increment search speed.
Search all the occurrences of two or more words that have a distance less
than a parameter. It is possible to search the words in the exact order as
Search Entry
Search all the string as an entry (Literal).
Wildcard (*)
Searches, also in proximity, all the words that start with the term.
Context filtering
Defines a context to narrow the search (Fields or TAGS).
Search all the occurrences in a given interval (used in numeric or date fields)
Search all the words greater than or less than a given word.
Query methods
It is possible to use query by example, RPN like (Reverse Pole notation) query
and simple query
Boolean operator
Allows search rules with boolean operator AND OR NAND (And Not) with group
of parenthesis.